Walking Trails in Port Albert, Yarram & South Gippsland district

The Walking Trails of Yarram & District - A Souvenir Companion Guide written by local Yarram resident, Paul Whitford, is an excellent guide to local walks. The Guide provides helpful details such as ratings of difficulty and length of time of walks. There is even lists of birds, mammals and animals sighted in the Tarra Bulga National Park as well as beautiful photos of sights on the walks. The description of the Christopher Robinson Walking Trail, which passes in front of our Port Albert Waterview Retreat, includes the story of the late Christopher Robinson, a local of Port Albert and a Greenpeace activist. The book is available at Yarram Courthouse Gallery shop, Artichoke Books, Yarram and Gippsland Maritime Museum, Port Albert. Highly recommended. We have a copy of the Guide at the Retreat for our guests’ use during their stay.

Cover of Walking Trails of Yarram District book

Front cover of Paul Whitford’s Guide